Sunday, October 11, 2009

Auguste 'Gus' Albert (1900-1982)

There has been no figure as respected and loved in my family than my grandfather, affectionately known as "Pepere". He was not only loved by his family but also by the community he created as the owner of a clothing store in Westbrook, Maine. He seems to have been born as a natural business man. Soon after his mother died at the age of eleven, he was knocking on the doors of local businesses on Main Street asking them if they needed any help. His mother's death forged a sense of independence and probably spurned a desire for connections with other people. During these early interactions with local businesses, he must have presented himself in a kind, genuine manner with an intense sociability which certainly carried into his adult life.  He was hired as a child to work as a clerk at Benoits which was a large clothing store at the time.  About ten years later in 1923, he and two other friends opened up their own store called The Men's Shop.


Family Curator said...

You are off to a great start, Craig. Thank you for the introduction to your grandfather. It sounds like congeniality and resourcefulness run in your family!

Best wishes in your new adventures in blogging.

Becky said...

Craig, This is awesome! Great job! I hope all of the cousins add stories and pictures. Here's a question, can anybody answer this: Was Pepere's name spelled Auguste or August? I think I can remember Memere spelling it with an e in her return address (you know, those birthday cards that came every year with the $5 check?!) ~Becky